Time to Reset-- Review

Time to Reset Reviewed by: Jill Sheets I was so excited to finally get the book “Time to Rest: A 21 Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Sidelined, Disappointed or Knocked off Course” by Karen Brown Tyson. The book came at the right time in my life, and it was something I needed. I had lost my job over a year ago, so I could not wait to start to read the book and see what she had to say. This is one of the best devotional books that I have ever read. I love it. It was like Ms. Tyson was directly talking to me. This book is well written and easy to understand. The devotional is perfectly laid out, and you will have no problem following the book as you read it. I loved how she talks about her personal experiences in this book to help us see the bigger picture. Along with her experiences, she has excellent advice, prayers and picks the perfect verses to go along with each one of th...