Just Gross

Just Gross Written by: Jill Sheets There are so many things that gross me out. You can talk to my family, and they can tell you a few of them. As a matter of fact, please, don’t do that. I decided to pick 10 of the things that make my stomach turn. Don’t worry. I tried to make each one rated G or at least PG. 1. Snakes: There are not that many words to describe how I do not like snakes. I cannot look at them, even if they are in a book or on TV. I cannot stand the shape of their head or the rest of their body. I am deathly afraid of them. I have had this fear of them before I heard the story about Adam, Eve, Satan and the tree. No need to say anything else. 2. Jell-O: You are probably wondering why Jell-O grosses me out. As a teenager, I was obsessed with losing weight. The Jell-O diet was one way I tried to lose weight and I just got tired of it. 3. Worms: They are gross. Okay, Yes I know that t...