
Written by:  Jill Sheets

I hate to make mistakes.
Tears sting my eyes
even before they slide down
my red cheeks.
Trying my hardest
not to do what I want to do.
I take the unfolded paper clip
smoothly scratching my skin ---
and face.
I do not know why
 I am doing it --
until it is done.
Then I look down
wondering how long it will take to heal.
Guilt tripping
does not help.
Now I have to deal with people noticing my frustrated lines.
That go up and down
On my left arm.
God only knows what is going through their heads.
Which is find.
I don’t care to know what they are thinking.
It does not mean I am suicidal.
I am just bringing the pain
From the inside
to the outside.


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