Christmas Tree Still Up

Christmas Tree Still Up
Written by: Jill Sheets

So how many people out there still have their Christmas Trees and/ or lights up?  I guess it does come down to how many people will say, “No, ours is down,” even if you still have them up.  The reason… None of us have any way of knowing if you are telling the truth, so we will have to take your word on it.

I will admit it, we still have ours up.  We do not turn them on until Christmas or unless we fell like it.  It is not a big Christmas tree.  It is a small fake tree that is sitting in our living room on an end table.  It is in the perfect place for the living room.  I have not looked lately, but we may have to dust the tree before Christmas.

So what about you?  Is your tree in the living room, your bedroom, downstairs or it somewhere else in your home or maybe outside?  You never know where some people prefer to put their trees?

I have no idea why ours is up, but I think it is great. We do not have a lot up in the living room yet, so it gives the room character.

The one advice I can give you….. Keep the trees and lights up, and be proud that they are still there.


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