What Event in History Would You Like to Witness

What Event in History Would You Like to Witness
Written by: Jill Sheets

I came across a question on the Internet and I thought it would be interesting to answer. The question was “if you could have witnessed any event in history which one would you choose?” Little did I realize how hard it would be to come up with an answer. I could think of many people in the past that I would like to meet, however, events were another story.

It took me weeks to figure this out. This question was on my mind throughout the weeks yet nothing came until the other day when I decided that I was not going to give up on this question, but I was going to find the perfect event that I would love to witness.

That day when I was scrolling on the computer, I had looked up the greatest events in history. After I had gone through the list, I sat there wondering why anyone would call those the greatest events in history and thought certainly no one would want to visit those.

Some of the so-called great events of history were the American Revolution, World War I, September 11 attacks (I was alive when this happened. Why would I want to relive this?) and JFK's assassination.

I understand that there were some good things to come out of this, however, why would I want to witness any of this? I mean seriously battles, wars, people getting killed, or seriously injured. There’s no way that I would pick any of these.

I scrolled until I eventually came across a name that I recognized. I just sat there and stared at it for a few minutes and sighed “Jesus.” The first one out of the many people I would have picked. However, at that moment I could not think of any event in history that is more important to me than the life of Jesus. Everything he did and went through.

Jesus is the one person that I would love to get a chance to listen to. The honor of learning from him, knowing him, and helping in any way I could. I know there has to be others out there who would agree with me.

I would enjoy witnessing many events in Jesus’ life; however, the only one that I could not handle is being there when he died on the cross for us. I know that it should be something we rejoice but the idea of him suffering or anyone suffering I don’t think I’d be able to handle.

So what about you? What event would you pick in history to witness, and who would you like to meet?


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