The Kindness Diaries


The Kindness Diaries
Written by:  Jill Sheets

 Kindness Diaries Creator Leon Logothetis Speaks at Willow | The Willow  School

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Like many of you, there are days when I just want to set in front of the TV. Maybe it is too hot outside, raining or maybe you are in just one of those moods. Searching for a show or movie that will just make you laugh.

A few years ago when I was passing kidney stones, I searched for a show that would keep my mind off the pain I was in. (Just a side note about kidney stones, they are so overrated). With little patience, I flipped as fast as I could through what was on Netflix.

I stopped when I saw a show called “Kindness Diaries.” A lot of the time, I do not read what the movie and show are about, but the title pulled me in to read about it. It was about this guy Leon Logothetis, who traveled the world relying on the kindness of people for food, somewhere to sleep, gas along with other things he needed it except, he could not accept money.

You would be surprised by some of the people that do help. There are even some that do not have a lot to give but can feed him and have a place for him to sleep. But there were times when some people would not help him. Whether they were not able or just did not want to help.

For some of the lucky people that Leon meets he helped make their dreams come true, which always makes me cry.

I was sad when the series was done for that time. Then recently I fund that there is now a “Kindness Diaries 2.” It is same as the first series, but with a different car. I also sat down and watched that show until the end of that season. I really hope that there is going to be another season.

Especially during this time, it is great to watch the show to see other people sharing kindness. There are still people out there that will help out. I feel that everyone should give these shows on chance.

What do you think it would take for a person to show that kind of kindness?

Here are some of Leon Logothetis websites:



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