Favorite Scents of Candles

Favorite Scents of Candles 
Written by: Jill Sheets 

Picture credit: https://www.freeimages.com/photo/candle-heart-1315828

 I did not start liking candles until I was in my upper teens. It was not because I did not like the smell of the candle, but I was afraid that I would knock it over when it was lit.  Now, I am just worried that a cat or dog doing that. 


Most of the times when I light a candle it is remembering a person's birthday or passing.  I do like the smell of most candles, but I do have my favorites.  Here is my top five in no particular order.


Fruit candles


Pie smelling candles (like cherry, apple and pumpkin)





I do not have a special reason I like those five.  It is not like they remind me of something.  It really does not go that deep.  I wish I could say that it does.


I wonder what type of candle I will light next time.  What candles do you like? Are there ones that remind you of a happy memory or is it just the smell of the candle?


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