Celebrity Crushes

Celebrity Crushes
Written by:  Jill Sheets

    I am sure like most of you; I have had many celebrity crushes as a child and teenager.  Some of them I hate to admit, but I still listed them. I am sure by reading the name/s you might know why.  What can I say?  I was young.

    The first crush that I remember was Ricky Schroder. He has been in many TV shows and movies, but what I mainly remember him on the 1982 – 1986 show Silver Spoons. I remember lying on my bed reading a magazine with him on the cover. At that time, my reading was not the greatest, but I was able to make out that he had a girlfriend, and she was his first kiss and I was upset. This would not be the last time a boy mad me cry.

    How many people remember Chad Allen? He played David Witherspoon on the show “Our House”.  Alongside Wilford Brimley, Deidre Hall and Shannen Doherty.  He is another actor who has an impressive resume.  He was also in “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” and “My Two Dads” with Staci Keanan. Remember when I said that he was not the first one to make me cry.  Well okay, not cry, but I got sick when he kissed Staci Keanan on her show and it did not help the matter that I had strep throat.

    God only knows how I came up with this one.  I do not speak Spanish, and I did not really listen to that kind of music at that time.  I had a crush on Ruben Gomez from Menudo.  I only had one of their albums and listened to just two songs.  But in 1990, he was arrested on drug charges.  He was just 16 years old.  The group had been a part of the Nancy Reagan`s ''Just Say No'' anti-drug campaign.  With that arrest, that was it, I did not want to like someone who went against that campaign.

   The Monkees we active form 1966 and 1971, but I did not know that. I started to watch their reruns on Nickelodeon each day, and I was not aware that they were a lot older than I was. For anyone who is taking count, I was not born until 1975. Even though I thought each Monkee was cute each in his own way, I developed a crush on Davy Jones. I had gotten their records and books about them. That is where I learned that Davy had been married many times, and I was really upset. How could he have been married that many times when he was that young? I guess we all know now.

    I even had a crush on Prince Edward, who is Prince Charles and Prince Andrews’s younger brother.  I honestly have no idea how this crush came about, I guess I saw him on a magazine.   I even made my mom record “It's a Royal Knockout” in 1987. I loved it, but I heard that was not the cause for many of the royals.  Then again, I was around 12.

    The last crush that I remember was New Kids on the Block’s youngest member, Joey McIntyre. I heard about the group from a friend. Their new single “Please Don’t Go Girl,” was playing on the radio over and over. People were calling in to request it. I was kind of confused. I thought it was an all boy band. So honestly, when I first heard “Please Don’t Go Girl,” I thought it was a girl who was singing. This was before Joey’s voice changed. Just like many girls, I believed that I would marry him or the other members someday.

     I have had many celebrities’ crushes through my childhood and teen years, but who hasn’t? I bet you can name at least one of yours. Unless, you grow up in a cave, in the middle of nowhere…which is always a possibility.


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