The Doll That is Eyeing Me

The Doll That is Eyeing Me
Written by: Jill Sheets


Recently we finally got to move into our own house. Well honestly we still have a lot to move over, but it is a start. Which brings me to this, I collect porcelain dolls. I do not know how many, I haven't counted them. To me they are pretty, I had never thought any different until now. As a matter of fact, I wanted a lot more, so what changed my mind. My daughter feels that the dolls are creepy. She came to me and said that there was a doll in our bedroom, in the middle of the room. I laughed it off, until I did something stupid.

We did not have the TV hooked up yet, in our new house, so I turned to YouTube videos. Not just the music ones, but creepy ones. Ones I had no business watching, I can see that now, but not at the time. It was something to watch. To keep my mind busy.

I have had night terrors about demons for the longest time. As a matter of fact, it is one of my first memories. So any movies or anything else with them in it I cannot handle. Even dolls being taken over by them. I am sure you know what is going to happen next.

One night I sat down to watch the videos. The doll was leaning against the wall right in front of me. Some off the videos were like a reenactment. But there was this one video that stood out. The camera was focused on this girl who was playing and the doll in question was a few feet or so away for her. Then you saw the doll that she is not playing with move it's head back and forth. I had to keep watching it to make sure that it was what I saw.

My eyes looked up at my porcelain doll setting in the package that we got her. Was she staring at me? The thought, even though I have an active imagination, would not have crossed my mind if I had not seen those videos, especially the last one.


Did the head move? It is not tilted to the side, I thought it had been perfectly centered. I was ready to take all the dolls and put them out for people to take. I was that freaked out. I decided that I was losing it just for that moment, but still. I laid a shirt over the head and face. I can just see it come flying out of the box at me. I kept the shirt on for a few days before.....

I finally realized that it was stupid or me to think that.

Or was it?

They had not been taken over by demons.

Or were they?

Like I said. I have an over active imagination combined with my fear of demons that did not help.

At the moment, the doll is still in our bedroom. She is up against the same wall. The doll is beautiful just like the others. They do not even look creepy at all. At least to me.

But just encase, you know that they have been taken over when you find them on eBay or somewhere, some palace where I can get rid of them. I will let you know if you are interested.


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