Hospital Adventures

Hospital Adventures
                                                   Written by: Jill Sheets

   Having to be admitted into the hospital is not fun for anyone, but looking back I have tried to find some funny or something to take away from my experience. To start most of my roomies would not use their button to call the nurse, so I ended up doing it for them. So here we go, lets bring on the fun. 

   The first adventure they brought in this lady in the middle of the night. Lucky me, I had an open bed in my room I have no idea what was wrong with her, but she kept trying to take out her IV and other tubes that were hooked to her. The nurse told her not to pull it out or it would be messy. You may not know this, but I have a weak stomach, so that did not sit well with me. I kept praying that she would not remove any of her tubes. The nurses had the curtain drawn around her all night. They must have calmed her down because I finally got a few hours of sleep.

   Isn't it fun not to be able to eat when you are hungry? That was the case when I had my hysterectomy. I wanted to eat so badly, but the nurse said “no,” and she was not allowed to give me anything, So, I was watching Charmed to keep my mind busy. Luckily for me, it was a marathon. At that time, that was the only show I could binge-watch. The lady in the bed next to me woke up. Not that it was bad enough that they brought her food, buts she turned the channel that I was watching to a food network. We only had one TV, so I did not feel like having a channel war I just laid there and suffered. 

    The next adventure, I had a procedure done and they bruised something, and they could not keep my pain under control. I was pushing the pain medicine button as soon as I knew I could. Soon, I had something or let us say someone to keep my mind busy. As always I had a bed in the same room avail, and they brought in this older lady. She was a smoker and by the sound of it, she was a major one. She kept trying to light up a cigarette in our room. The nurse told her that she could not smoke. One because there was no smoking in the hospital and that she was on oxygen. The older lady decided to blame the poor nurse for smoking in the hospital and our room. That was not true. Oh, it gets better. I had to get up and go to the bathroom. I came out, and the lady asked me when the baby was due. I was not even pregnant. I did not answer. 

    Our hospitals now have separate rooms. So anyone that is admitted has their own TV, they can try to sleep (as much is possible as you can in a hospital), and when you can't eat you do not have to smell food. Woohoo for progress in this area.

© JMS 2019


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