What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?
By: Jill Sheets

You would be surprised what can come across my mind when I am not thinking.  How is that possible not to think?  Trust me.  It can be done, and I have learned to do it quite well.

I was sitting at work looking for pictures for an event that was coming up when this popped in my blank mind. What is it better to do?  When donating gifts or items that are needed, is it better to give one person a more expensive item or give less costly things to more people?  

For example, you have 100 kids that need shoes.  Do you buy one or two of the best shoes you can find or do you buy cheaper ones so that you can provide more? But then you would have to worry about the possibility of the shoes breaking in less than a week.  I know.  Not an easy question.

You would have to wonder what I was doing to think about this and why? I still have no idea why the topic came up.  I found myself worried about people who needed help and what I can do.

I looked through my wallet, and I had less than $20.  That was not going too far.  Maybe some drinks.

When attempting to shove my wallet into my purse, the answer went through my head. It was to donate to more people.  But do not give them something that will fall apart the first time they use it.  Pick what you give carefully, but try to spread it as far as you can.

I always have odd thoughts going through my head.  If you think this is weird, there may be more to come.

What do you think?  Should we give more to one person or divide it up? Everyone’s option matters.


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