God Give Me Strength

God Give Me Strength
Written by:  Jill Sheets

God give me strength
to make it out of bed. 
To move on with the day.

God give me Strength
To tell you what I feel.
What I really want to say ---
not just what I think you want to hear.

God give me Strength
To handle what you feel is right
Even though I am not happy about it
And I can be upset with you
and you will still love me.

God give me the strength to change what I can
and realize it is not my fault if I cannot change it--
the way I want.
And give me the strength to deal with
Other people's opinions on certain subjects
that I do not agree with --
or they do not understand.

God Give me Strength
for everything for
today --
or the future.
God Give me Strength


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