Just Gross

Just Gross
Written by:  Jill Sheets

There are so many things that gross me out.  You can talk to my family, and they can tell you a few of them.  As a matter of fact, please, don’t do that. I decided to pick 10 of the things that make my stomach turn.  Don’t worry.  I tried to make each one rated G or at least PG.

1. Snakes:  There are not that many words to describe how I do not like snakes.  I cannot look at them, even if they are in a book or on TV.  I cannot stand the shape of their head or the rest of their body. I am deathly afraid of them. I have had this fear of them before I heard the story about Adam, Eve, Satan and the tree. No need to say anything else.

2. Jell-O: You are probably wondering why Jell-O grosses me out. As a teenager, I was obsessed with losing weight. The Jell-O diet was one way I tried to lose weight and I just got tired of it.

3. Worms: They are gross.  Okay, Yes I know that this is a list of things that gross me out.  The dirty and I do not like the way they feel.  I also do not like the idea for someone putting worms in my refrigerator to keep them safe.  I had someone do that to me.  I told him “no” and told him what would happen if he did. I tossed out all the food.  Clean the inside of the fridge, and we went out and got all new groceries.  Just pictures that book.

4. Gummy worms: They remind me of worms (see number 3).  I cannot even stand the thought of putting them in my mouth. Every time I see someone eat one I think about the book “How to Eat Fried Worms” by Thomas Rockwell and Lionel Wilson.

5. Slugs and leeches:  You get the idea with these.  And to make things worse….. Leeches drink blood….Ooopps that probably should be on this list.  Also, the look of both slugs and leeches wigs me out.

6. Beer:  I hate the smell. I want to gag if the smell reaches my nose. I have had this dislike since I was a child and it has not gone away.  More than likely it will never.

7. Can dog food:  I cannot handle the smell.  I cannot help it.  I want to get sick every time a can is open.  I have to leave the room quickly. Thank goodness my dog eats dry food.

8. Rats:  I think they are ugly.  My ex had a few. I was told that they would not hurt me.  That made me feel better, but there is nothing like having to go to the bathroom and there on the back lid of the toilet was a white rat with red eyes.

9. Cats with no fur (sorry):  I love cats, but I am not sure I could pet one of them.  I do not have anything else to say, except I know that they need love too.

10. When a person or animal gets sick:  I cannot look at it or hear it.  I have this habit that when someone or animal gets sick, I will get sick after them. That started when I was in elementary school.  I was on the bus, and a girl got sick a few seats back.  As soon as she began to get sick, I started to get sick also.

I am sure there are many more.  But ten are enough for now.  What grosses you out?  Does one of the things on my list also gross you out?  Do you have a hairless cat?

Have a great Christmas.


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