Does Anyone Do This?

Does Anyone Do This?
Written by: Jill Sheets

What we do for our furry family members, or more accurately what we do to them.  What we think is cute, more than likely your pets do not feel the same way. Let’s talk about some of the things we think is cute, but they would call the cops if they could reach the phone because it is “tortured” If you have a cell phone, hide it or keep it on you 24/7,

How many of you name your pets.  I am not talking about their first name, but the full name.  For example, this is what we call our cats and dog in our family.
Let’s start with the cats:
Sassy Sarsaparilla Sheets
Layla Marie Sheets

I have a horrible secret that I must share.  My miniature- dachshund, Zooey Danielle Sheets, is named after actresses Zooey Deschanel and Danielle Panabaker.  Surely I am not the only who names their pets by someone famous names…. Right?

Now let’s take a small step back and talk about their cute outfits that we cannot help, but to dress them in. I know that we all mean well.  For example, we buy them mittens for their feet, sweaters, and coats for winter because we do not want them to get sick.  We feel that we are doing the right thing. It is cold outside and snow on the ground. When we dress our cats or dog, most are trying desperately to take off the sweater or anything else we put them in, and you are watching your furry family member trying to take them off.  It doesn’t even matter that you finally help them take off the outfit, they are still plotting against you. So watch where you step or walk and protect yourself when you are asleep.

So beware they can and do hold grudges, especially cats.

I have noticed a lot of pictures where the pets are posing for a photo. Not mine. Why? Why will they not pose for a picture, like Christmas Card ones, where we send out to our loved ones and friends. How do they do it?  Do they have to take 100 pictures to get a good picture?

As you can see, I am obsessed with these.   I will not believe that any of them are photoshop, just because I cannot tell the difference between photoshop pictures and that are not.

With their paws on the table waiting patiently for dinner, that is not our dog or cats. One knocks over the food and water dish.  Zooey runs around trying to figure out whose plate she can pull something off before she gets caught.  We even got Zooey a special bowl, so she would not turn it over.  Oh yeah.  No matter what – they want to eat and drink what we do.

They are part of our family.  They are our children. But they know when we put them in a tacky sweater; they have to get it off before we grab our phones and take that embarrassing picture. But in their own way, they love you.  You are their mom, dad, sister or brother. So be kind to your furry family member.  Enjoy your time with them.

*****No animals were harmed while taking the pictures.  Well maybe their egos. *****


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