Chit Chatting with Raven Howell

 Chit Chatting with Raven Howell

Interviewed by: Jill Sheets

J: Tell us about yourself.

R: When I’m in a classroom visit, as I was this morning, I usually introduce myself to the children with “my favorites”. My favorite season is summer, my favorite place is the seashore, my favorite sweet treats are warm chocolate and butterscotch chip cookies, my favorite color (for today, and in synch with the upcoming Halloween spirit!) is purple. I like to read, write, draw, and craft, play music, do Word Finds and Scrabble puzzles, and hike daily. I love to laugh, and hug our cat, Lilac.

J: When growing up, what did you want to be? 

R: As far back as I can remember, I was always writing, creating rhymes and poems. That always has been just who I am. When I was in elementary school, for a brief month or two I imagined being a veterinarian would be wonderful because I loved animals and our family always had a load of pets. I used my love of writing toward songwriting aspirations and had dreams of being a successful rock/pop songwriter. And, in a small way, I achieved that goal before moving on to focus on children’s writing specifically.

J: When did you start to write, and what was your first story? 

R: I don’t recall my very first “story”, but my grandmother, who was my caretaker, would jot down my sing-song poetry because being pre-K, I didn’t yet have the actual skill to “write it down”.

J: Tell us about your book, Santa’s Slip Up.

R: One of my editors had mentioned that she’d love to see a fall poetry compilation from me for publishing consideration. Instead, I ended up using an autumn-themed poem, a fairly long one, to create a holiday mix-up storyline. I hadn’t written anything like that in the past and wanted to have a fun -with a hint of spookiness- type of book to offer the children’s community. That became Santa’s Slip Up.

J: Tell us a little bit about your other books.

R: I’ve written several picture poetry collections and a few rhyming picture books, like Santa’s Slip Up. I have a fractured fairytale, a graphic picture book, Trolls at Play, and a bedtime storybook. My counting book, Mattison Mouse Counts, released this past summer, is a popular seller at book festivals, and many of my books are inspirational in some way- uplifting, encouraging. My book titled My Community (which is dyslexic inclusive) is about to come out in a board book version – and we’re excited about that! 

J: What are your writing habits?  

R: I’m a full-time writer and end up working 7 days a week most of the time. I work from my home office and balance home life with my writing. In the earliest morning hours, that’s where there’s quiet and peace. That’s when I start my day. I never have to try to stick with or establish good writing habits. It’s just literally what I do.... for years now. In fact, for decades. 

J: What is your favorite thing about writing for children?

I love the whimsical. I love the silly-funny, the enchantment of turning tulips upside down for umbrellas. It’s like Julie Andrews singing “These are a few of my favorite things....” The subjects and the imagination I can incorporate into children’s writing are my own favorites.

J: I heard that you use to be interested in music. What instruments do you play?

R: Music was a big part of my childhood and growing up. Everyone in my family is a musician or singer in some way and capacity. I play piano and guitar. I learned drums and clarinet too, although I’m not proficient playing either of those! 

J: Tell us a few interesting things about yourself.

R: I still love some things about the 70’s – like platform shoes and the music. 

I’ve had a random, what would be considered, “past life” experience, not long after my first son was born. 

I’d much rather spend time in school author visits, sharing love of literature with students, than big book fairs, selling my books. 

I’m a good cook and baker and hardly ever use a recipe, often creating my own “eats” by what I sense would work well together. 

J: Are you on social media?  What about an official website?

R: Social media is fun, and I mostly connect with it in regard to my writing.

My website

J: Is there anything else you would like to add? 

R: The message of kindness, light-heartedness, and love can be relayed via many different types of medium in our world. I happen to use the written word. But in addition, with my family and friends, I make sure I tell my loved ones how much they mean to me. Every day. Live love now.

J: Thank you for the interview.


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