Chit Chatting with Barbara Barth


Chit Chatting with Barbara Barth

J:  Tell us about your book A Wingman for Christmas. How did you come up with the idea for this story?


B: I started this story in 2016 after I lost my mother. My mother had many birds over the years, but her Amazon parrot and his disappearance stayed with me. He came back home, strutting down Aviles Street outside her shop and it was a big hoopla for all the shops around her. I wanted to recreate something similar.


J: How did you come up with the characters?  Were any of them based on people that you know?


B: The closest to reality was the Mama character. Some of my mother’s personality quirks made it to Mama, but the character is totally fictional.


J: You have written many books. Please tell us a little bit about them.

B: My first book was my widow memoir. Essays on my first year on my own. It’s quirky (one of my favorite words). Since then I’ve written a slightly naughty small town thriller – complete with a fried green tomato recipe at the back, a dog picture book, and a follow up to my widow memoir. In addition, I’ve pulled together two anthologies (with 30 other authors) for charity.


J: What are you currently working on?


B: A story about a widow moving from Atlanta to Florida. Started in 2016. I’ve finally gotten her out of the Waffle House and her story is coming to life.


J: I read that you also paint.  Tell us about the awards to have gotten.

B: The first show I entered (the members show at the art center where I’m on the Board) came in first place for 2D (paintings, I didn’t know what 2D was until I entered). I was shocked. But the judge seemed to like whimsy. Mine was a big butterfly girl standing in a garden. Another painting with an Emily Dickinson quote placed first again in 2D at our juried show. Several of my pieces have also gotten honorable mention. My good luck may have run its course. You never know what will catch a judge’s eye. We have so many awesome artists at the art center and it’s always exciting to see their work.


J: When did you start to paint? Where can people see your paintings?


B: I used to repair vintage oil paintings and sold them on eBay in the early days. The art center inspired me to start painting my own work in 2017 and now I love creating my garden ladies and animals. I work in acrylic and mixed media. You can see my work on Instagram at barbarabarthstudio..


J: Tell us about the Walton Writers.


B: I live in Walton County so when we started our writer’s group at the art center, it seemed like a great name. Initially we met at the art center at night, sharing our work, having open mic night for authors, and day classes taught by published writers. Many of the members didn’t want to drive at night and we went on Zoom. We have a book nook where we sell our member’s books, have book launches, and book-signings. This coming year we will start weekend classes. Many of our authors want to teach and have great credentials..


J: What are some things that people may not know about you?


B: My favorite thing to do is to “make things happen”. I’m slow to promote myself, but I love to promote other authors’ works. I’ve put together many groups over the years, book clubs, dinner groups, social networking, in addition to writers’ groups I love to get people together. It also helps me to be more social. I live alone with all my dogs and can hibernate with them. I am also addicted to antiques and can’t say no to a painted cupboard or farmhouse quilt.


J: Are you on any social networking sites?  What about an official website?


B: I’m on Instagram and have my personal Facebook page that is open to the public. I post many of the art center events and writing events on my timeline with Facebook. I stopped paying for a website because I didn’t think it drew much attention. I like to send folks to my Amazon Author Page instead.


J: Is there anything else you would like to add?


B: I love being on WOW’s blog tour with my books. Each book had it’s own tour. It wouldn’t seem real without WOW. I don’t do many local book signings and this is a perfect way to get my book out to others. And if anyone is interested in our art center I’m adding a link. Our motto is Art for All. We rely on donations and grants. It is a wonderful welcoming place. I’m blessed to be part of it.









  1. Thanks for hosting me today! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year.

  2. Thank you for doing the interview. I hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


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