Interview with Mari L. McCarthy

                                               Interview with Mari L. McCarthy

J:  Tell us about yourself.

M: I’m a South of Boston beachfront home dweller, author, vocal athlete and Founder and CEO-Chief Empowerment Officer of, home of Journaling For The Health Of It®.

J: How did you get your start journaling, and how many years have you been doing it.

M:I’m into my 25th year of Journaling For The Health Of It®. In February 1998, I lost feeling and function in the right side of my body thanks to Multiple Sclerosis. I needed a way to teach my self how to write with my left hand ASAP, if not yesterday. A friend introduced me to Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages,from her book The Artist’s Way. At first, I viewed the exercise as physical therapy only, but soon discovered that journaling was a mental, emotional and spiritual therapy adventure.

J: What advice would you give someone who wanted to get started journaling, but having issues starting?

M:Just go for it! Start however you feel like starting. There is only one right way to keep a journaling power practice: Your Way! Come visit We have blogs, 380+ journaling power prompts, videos and podcasts…all kinds of resources for starting and staying started!

J: Tell us about your book "Mindset Medicine."

M: Mindset Medicine is the third book in The Journaling Power Revolution Series. It guides readers back to their True Self so they can start living their life from the inside out. Each chapter includes a deep dive journaling power prompt exercise.

J: How did you come up with the idea to write it?

M: It was another of the gadzillion AHAs I’ve had with my beloved Journal.

J: What would you like people to take away from the book?

M: It will be different for every reader. Here’s what Kara, Wendy and Steve have gotten out of it in using Mindset Medicine so far: Insert trailer link here. Thanks.

J: Are you working on any other books? Tell us about the other books you have already written

M: My first book, Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live is my Journaling Journey with all kinds of guidance and exercises for anyone to create their own journaling power practice. My second book, Heal Your Self With Journaling Power showcases the journaling power Journeys of 10 journaling power revolutionaries. I’ve also created 20+ Journaling Power Workbooks including Who Am I? Take Control Of Your Health and Start Journaling For The Health Of It Write Now. I’m currently revisiting, and revising them.

J: Tell us about

M: is The Embodied Journaling Center. It shows health-conscious action-takers how to use Journaling For The Health Of It® to heal the mental, physical, emotional issues in their tissues and create the life they want to live write now. In CreateWriteNow’s store I have 3 free Journaling Power Workbooks to download: Discover Your True Self in 23 Days, Change Your Life in 15 Days and 15 Days of Caregiving For The Caregiver.

J: Is there anything else you would like to add?

M: Only, please #JustWriteON!

J: Thank you for the interview. It was an honor.  Have a great day.


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