2021 Goals List

Written by Jill Sheets



Picture source: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-dream-big-set-goals-take-action-written-notes-colorful-image76212798


I cannot remember when I started to make a Goals List for the year. I either started in 2019 or 2020. Either way, it is now a tradition. Looking over the list that I wrote out the year before and adding the ones that I wanted to continue or did not accomplish to my 2021 list.


I will get all the goals on my list done this year. It may not be easy, but I am determined. Is it better to start with the "easy" ones, the ones that could take time to accomplish or work on them all at the same time? I have not made that choice yet, but either way, I better start soon.


I will not post my whole goals list because some of them may be a surprise, but I will tell you a few of them.


-- Interview with Dominic Keating. Getting the interview is the hardest one on my list. I had it down last year but was not able to get it.  I blame Covid. So this year, hopefully, I will be blessed to get the interview.

-- Interview more people than 2020. I can say for a fact that Covid messed with last year's interviews. It was frustrating when you want to interview someone, but you have no way of doing it. 

-- Read and write more. These goals are going to be easier to meet.

-- Be in more contact with loved ones (family and friends).


Those are some of the goals I have for 2021. So I better get starting accomplishing them, checking them off as I get to reach each goal.


Have a great 2021.


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