"Why do we settle for mediocre?"

"Why Do We Settle for Mediocre?"
written by: Valerie Nifora

I was watching a brand video the other day, and to be truthful, it had me a bit in tears. It was a lovely story about relatable people and then 15 seconds before the end of it…they broke it. They disrupted the momentum in the story, by inserting a sales pitch. There I was, with tissue in hand, completely irritated. I was not feeling good about the brand that day. Which brought to mind the question -- why do we settle on mediocre? 
We settle on mediocre because we don't want to argue. We don't want to stand on a limb and say -- yes, this is different, this is uncomfortable, but this is honest, moving, beautiful, and it will work. We've lost the sense of bravery that comes with great. It's much easier to settle on tried and true, stop debating, check off the box and just move on to the next thing. After all, mediocre always says it knows better.
We settle on mediocre because we lost our passion. Very little excites most of us. How often do we wake up energized to go to work and bring all our ideas and creativity to the task at hand? (I think you can tell I love my work.) Passion is that which informs decisions and guides interactions. It helps derive meaning into every single thing created. Passion is important; it sparks life. Mediocre just keeps life moving along.
We settle on mediocre because of fear. Often it can be the fear of loss -- loss of job, loss of position, loss of reputation. It is so much easier to stay on the path that is familiar. But to venture outside of mediocre and take a risk, a large risk and potentially fail? That can be devastating. Fear of failure is a large de-motivator. It keeps in the same place, repeating. It keeps us mediocre.
I'm not sure what you're tackling today. But, I'd like to urge you fight for what you think is right, believe in your work and don't let others intimidate you out of something you know in your heart will be great. Don't settle for mediocre.

Book Summary

I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry is a journey into romance, love and loss through poetry. The poems published in this collection span over 15 years of writing. Often starting with short rhythmic patterns, each poem’s lyrical tone is filled with inspired words to express the deep emotion experienced in the intricacies of romance.

Handwritten in a journal and hidden away until this publication, the poems chronicle the journey into and out of love. Written in three parts, the book enables the reader to transverse the intensity of romantic love, from the first moment of falling in love, to the intense pain of heartbreak.

Beautiful and powerful in its lyrical and simple verse, the reader is immediately immersed in a world of sensuality, passion, desire, and innocence; all woven together into a tapestry of human emotion. Each poem transports the reader to a story through the art of poetry. Drawing on natural elements such as the sun, sand, wind and moon, this collection explores the light and darkness of romantic love, leaving the reader questioning if love was ever real at all.

Print Length: 108 Pages
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: The Unapologetic Voice House LLC


  1. Thank you so much for joining in this tour! I loved this post today.


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