Guest Writer Barbara Barth Talks About Self-Publishing

 Guest Writer Barbara Barth Talks About  Self-Publishing


      I was very naïve when I wrote The Unfaithful Widow, the memoir of my first year after I lost my husband, I just knew I wanted to get my story out there in the world. I had no idea about publishing a book. I Googled the word publishing and was overwhelmed with articles and websites. Trying to find an agent seemed too time-consuming. I wasn’t getting any younger. My husband died in 2008 right before I turned sixty. Two years later I had my finished memoir and to my horror, was almost sixty-two. I had to release my story to move forward with my life.  I said a little prayer asking for help.
     I found a vanity press, which I thought was self-publishing. I paid big bucks to have my book designed and published. I just thought self-publishing meant you didn’t go the traditional route. I didn’t know the word vanity press until an author corrected me on a blog post that I had not self-published and explained the difference to me.
     The company I used was Outskirts Press. If I had been a better editor or had taken the time to hire an editor, I would have saved the expense of the corrections after the fact. I told them what I wanted, worked with their team to design the interior, paid my money, and they brought my vision to life. They did the interior PDF.
     My sister (who now does my book designs under my own imprint Gilbert Street Press) composed the altered art pictures and photos for that first book and a good friend of hers designed my book cover. Here is the funny thing about my widow memoir. I own my story and the cover PDF. Outskirts Press owns the book PDF because I used their ISBN. (Who knew at the time about ISBNs? I didn’t.) That meant if I wanted to do anything different in the book, corrections, etc, I had to pay them to do it. Their PDF is a locked file that I can’t access. The other alternative, I could buy the program again and use my own ISBN, an expensive process I didn’t want to do. My book was already selling on Amazon by then.
     Am I sorry I used a vanity press? No. The book is awesome looking. I am proud of it. And somehow for a gal who didn’t know the first thing about writing or publishing I got it done. In April 2010 my first box of books arrived and later that summer I took my book on my first blog tour with WOW! Women on Writing. The Unfaithful Widow placed as a finalist in the 2011 USA Best Book Awards. I’ve made incredible friends through my widow memoir. I think I have the man upstairs to thank for helping me find the right path to follow.
     Over time I learned more about the real world of self-publishing, so my fictional naughty thriller (yes, every gal needs one) was self-published in 2014. If you hang around my blog tour, I have another guest post on November 22nd with more information on self-publishing and why I like the control. I’m a Leo and I think that makes me a bit of a control freak, but a nice one, I hope. The bottom line, to quote loosely from a Frank Sinatra song (anyone old enough to remember him?) I like to do it my way.



Author, blogger, sometimes antique dealer, dog hoarder, bedazzled by life. Widowed eleven years ago, Barth writes about finding a creative path back to happiness. Her recent move to a 1906 historic cottage brought many surprises, including discovering the Monroe–Walton Center for the Arts where she started the monthly Walton Writers group and is on the MWCA Board as Literary Arts Chair. Barth is a contributor to Walton Living Magazine and a former blogger for The Balancing Act, Lifetime Television’s morning show for women. Currently she lives with six dogs, rescue dogs that rescued her. Visit her web at  Her books are available on Amazon and Kindle. Amazon author page:


  1. What a fantastic story! There is so much that new authors don't know. I haven't published anything yet (other than my blog) and I've already been overwhelmed by the different routes you can take. I'm glad everything worked out in the end and you're pleased with the result. I have to admit, your title alone draws me in and makes me want to read your book :) Great guest post!

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