Written by:  Jill Sheets, God, and the Bible

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We know God does miracles all the time. Not just before we were born, but ones after we were born and while we are here on earth. You believe in miracles, don’t you? 

Recently, I was horrified to hear someone say they did not believe in miracles. It was bad enough that this person said that when one of their children were sick. I was shocked. I did not know what to say. The only thing I kept thinking was, “will I do.” I had faith that God would heal this person. He performs miracles daily, so why not now.

If you go to church, Sunday school, bible study or if you read the bible, you more than likely recognize these miracles. There are a lot more in the bible, but these are some. I will try to keep these short.

Let’s start with Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding that took place in Cana, which is in Galilee (John 2:1-11). At this wedding, the wine ran out. Mary told Jesus what was going on about the wine. Even though Jesus told his mom that it was not his time, she still told the servants to do whatever Jesus asked them to. Jesus turned the water that was brought to him into the best wine.

A lot of detail was left out, but like I promised I will try to keep things short. 

Now looking in either Luke 22:51 or John 18:10, we find another miracle. When the guards were coming to arrest Jesus, Simon Paul took his sword and struck Malchus taking off his ear. This was not what Jesus wanted, even though He knew what was going to happen. He took Malchus right ear and put it back on him.

In Luke 8:2, Jesus cast out the seven demons that had possessed Mary Magdalene. That was not the only time he did that. He even once removed demons from this guy and put the demons into pigs. Grant you the pigs did have the worse end of the deal. They were the ones that had demons inside them if that was not bad enough; they ran off the cliff. 

This next miracle that I will be talking about can be found in Luke 5:17-39 NLV. Jesus heals a paralyzed man who was lowered down from the rooftop on a mat. These men must have had a lot of faith in Jesus to do that after they could not get the guy into the room because of the crowd. They carry that man up to the roof and then to make a hole in it so that they could lower him through. 

Jesus did raise people from the dead. Even Jesus was raised from the dead after dying on the cross, but let’s talk about him raising his friend Lazarus from the dead in Bethany. Jesus was not in Bethany when Lazarus’ sisters sent someone to tell Jesus that his friend was sick. Instead of rushing to heal Lazarus he stayed a few more days where he was at. He knew that his friend had died, to make an incredible miracle short. Jesus did raise Lazarus. I read that he lived around 30 more years or so before he passed away (https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2013/04/what-happened-to-lazarus-after-he-rose.html).

There are many other miracles in the bible that God and Jesus performed. Just read your bible to find out more of them.

This person did not believe in miracles, but now this person does. Thank you, God and Jesus, for granting my prayers with this miracle. Every time I think about that miracle, I want to cry.


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