Guest Blog Mari L. McCarthy

Guest Blog Mari L. McCarthy

Why Do I Still Get Writer’s Block? 3 Strategies for Overcoming It

No matter how experienced or confident you are as a writer, you will still have days where the right words stubbornly refuse to come to you. Writer’s block is never welcome, but it often seems to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient times, like when you are up against an important deadline.

What causes writer’s block? All writers have their own unique and tumultuous relationship with it, but these are a few common themes:

·  Fear: You’re plagued by self-doubt. You worry that everything you write will be terrible and no one will like it. This fear may take the form of procrastination or self-criticism.  
·  Distractions: You’re fighting external or internal interruptions (or a combination of both) that are obstacles to your writing.
·  Lack of clarity: You’re not sure where your writing is going. You’ve lost your way or you don’t quite know what to do with the jumble of ideas in your head.
·  Fatigue: You’re exhausted, and you don’t have the mental energy to write.  
·  Boredom: You’re tired of this project, this idea and maybe writing in general (too dramatic?).

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You probably recognize yourself in at least one of them. The good news is that you aren’t powerless against writer’s block, even if it feels that way from time to time. The next time you are staring at a blank page, try one of these strategies.

Take a break.

Get up from your desk, and go do something that helps you clear your head or boost your energy. Go for a short walk. Listen to music you love. Play with your kids. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee. Come back with fresh eyes when you feel more rested.

Free-write in your journal.

Stream-of-consciousness journaling is an excellent way to sweep away mental clutter, shake off negative emotions and figure out the source of your writer’s block. Set a timer for five to ten minutes, open a notebook and simply write until the buzzer goes off. Ask questions. Narrate the thoughts that are running through your head. Pick a writing prompt and use that as a starting point.

Change your surroundings.

If you write in the same place every day, a change of scenery can work wonders. Take your laptop and notebook to a coffee shop, the public library or a coworking space, and set a reasonable goal for what you want to accomplish while you’re there.  

The most important thing to remember is that you will get through this rough patch. Don’t give up, and just keep writing!


Book Summary

Mari L. McCarthy’s international bestselling book, Journaling Power, started a movement. Now, Heal Your Self with Journaling Power is igniting a revolution!

You’ll discover the life-changing magic of journaling through moving personal stories told by just some of the thousands of people who have tapped into the proven therapeutic power of expressive writing.

These are people just like you, and their challenges are the same ones you have.

Heal Your Self with Journaling Power reveals the inner strength and grace that comes with living your life in the present from the inside out. It will help you transform your life and…

● Manifest everything your desire

● Fill you with uplifting positive energy

● Put you on a path to better health and wellness

● Give you the inspiration and motivation to live your best life

● Show you how to use journaling to solve your most pressing problems

The only right way to journal is YOUR way. Just grab a pen and paper and do it!

Print Length: 143 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction/Self-Help
Publisher: Mari L. McCarthy
ISBN-13: 9780463807361

Heal Your Self with Journaling Power is now available to purchase on Amazon.comKobo.comBarnes and Noble and also on Mari's website (where you can get a signed copy).

Praise for Heal Your Self with Journaling Power
Mari McCarthy's latest, Heal Your Self with Journaling Power, represents the voice of a warm friend who not only talks the talk but also has lived first-hand the transforming power of writing. Packed with focused, fun prompts to jump-start the journaling process, this book is a motivation and an uplift! I especially enjoy the stress-bucket exercise. Not to be missed."
--Melanie Faith, educator and author of In a Flash and Poetry Power,
In a world of ever-present scary news, stress, and technology that distracts us from genuine human encounters, Mari McCarthy invites us to do something both simple and radical: pause daily to encounter our own souls. And she not only tells us to just do it, she shows us how with her own life story, the stories of others, and her many ideas about how to maximize the transformative power of journaling time.
-- Kevin Anderson, Ph.D., Author of Now is Where God Lives: A Year of Nested Meditations to Delight the Mind and Awaken the Soul and The Inconceivable Surprise of Living: Sustaining Wisdom for Spiritual Beings Trying to Be Human.
The most important lesson illustrated in Heal Your Self with Journaling Power is that anyone can enhance their health and wellbeing through the therapeutic power of expressive writing. This is the definitive book that shows you how. So just grab a pen and a pad of paper and do it!
—Mike Bundrant, Co-Founder,
Testimony from Casey Demchak, copywriter and consultant; also featured in Chapter 8, "Design Your Future" of Heal Your Self with Journaling Power
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About the Author, Mari L. McCarthy
Mari L. McCarthy is the Self-Transformation Guide and Founder/Chief Inspiration Officer of She is also author of the international-bestselling, award-winning book Journaling Power: How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live.
Mari began journaling to relieve the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) over 20 years ago. Through journaling, Mari was able to ditch her prescription drugs and mitigate most of her MS symptoms. Now she teaches people throughout the world how to heal, grow, and transform their lives through the holistic power of therapeutic journaling.

She lives in a gorgeous beachfront home in Boston, where she has the freedom, flexibility, and physical ability to indulge in all her passions, which include singing and recording her own albums.


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