Guest Blog Mari L. McCarthy

Guest Blog Mari L. McCarthy Why Do I Still Get Writer’s Block? 3 Strategies for Overcoming It No matter how experienced or confident you are as a writer, you will still have days where the right words stubbornly refuse to come to you. Writer’s block is never welcome, but it often seems to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient times, like when you are up against an important deadline. What causes writer’s block? All writers have their own unique and tumultuous relationship with it, but these are a few common themes: · Fear: You’re plagued by self-doubt. You worry that everything you write will be terrible and no one will like it. This fear may take the form of procrastination or self-criticism. · Distractions: You’re fighting external or internal interruptions (or a combination of both) that are obstacles to your writing. · Lack of clarity: You’re not sure where your writing is going. You’ve lost your way or you don’t qu...