Me Vs Myself

Me Vs Myself 
Written by: Jill Sheets

                                                                picture credit:

Some people think I am frustrating. 
And that might be true.
Well just step back a moment
And realize how I feel. 
How frustrated that I get with myself.
I have to deal with myself
Every moment of the day.
There are even times
When I have no clue what
You are talking about
Or what you want from me.
Sorry I have to say it,
Please explain it.
Sometimes are worse than others.
It is hard enough dealing with my symptoms
The fibro fog
Forgetting of words.
Trying to get you to understand
What I am taking about.
Not only fibro,
But an autoimmune disease as well.
Always tired –
No restorative sleep.
My muscles are weak
And hurting.
Getting stiff
Joints hurt
If I do not take anything,
Then my temp
Is 101 daily.
You heard it
When I have
Color in my checks
That is not good.
Getting dizzy
Waiting to hit the ground
Fall down the steps.
My eyes
And mouth dry.
People thinking I am stupid.
How frustrating is that?


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