Review: The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper

Review: The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper
By Jill Sheets

Image result for the temple of the crystal timekeeper

Summery came from

"Continuing the adventure that ended in Britain just a short while ago, cousins Adam and Justin Sinclair, with their friend Kim Maleka, are now hunting for the third Stone of Power, one of seven mysterious stones lost centuries ago. The third stone might be located in an ancient city, hidden in the depths of the Mexican jungle. When their small plane crashes in the jungle, Adam, Justin, Kim, and James are rescued by an uncontacted tribe. James, who is wounded, must stay behind as the kids, with only a young boy, Tukum, as their guide, make their way through the dense and dangerous jungle to find the city.

Riding makeshift rafts on a crocodile-infested river and evading predators are just part of this hazardous task. Of course, their old adversary Dr. Khalid is close behind as the kids press on in search of the lost city of stone gods. But he is not the worst of their problems. This time Adam will clash with a terrible enemy who adopts the persona of an evil Aztec god, Tezcatlipoca, and is keen to revive the ancient tradition of human sacrifice. Adam, Justin, and Tukum must play a dreadful ball game of life and death and maybe survive. Will they emerge alive from the jungle? Will Dr. Khalid find the third Stone of Power before they do?"


I never know when I read a book by an author that I have never read before what to expect.  There is always the fear of what if I do not like the book? What if the pace not fast enough?  Will it lose my attention? Luckily with Fiona Ingram’s new book “The temple of the Crystal Timekeeper” I did not have that problem.

I enjoyed reading Fiona’s new book.  It was a fast read, and I got pulled into the story on the first page.  Through excellent development and twists, she was able to keep my attention through the whole book.

One of the great things is that you do not have to read the first two books before this book to understand what is going on in the story.  Fiona does a wonderful job at keeping readers’ up to date from the first two books. It is hard to write believable characters that you care about, and she did a great job at doing that.

You can tell that she did a lot of researching for “The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper.” She talked about the history of Mexican, Aztec and Mayan cultures.
 This book is an excellent read for all ages. Add “The temple of the Crystal Timekeeper” to your summer reading list.  There is never a dull moment.


  1. Thank you so much for a wonderful review. It's important for would-be readers to know that they can jump right into the adventure. However, going back to pick up on how the adventure started is a great way to enjoy the whole escapade.

  2. Sold! I have to get a copy of this. I love books that I don't have to find the earlier ones in the series to know what is going on.

    1. I think it is going to be harder for me to achieve this as the adventures continue, but so far … so good!

  3. Might have to give this a read, love a good adventure story.

  4. Sounds like a great read. I love when the story captures your attention. Often I do not have time to complete a whole series. I might have to start with this one before the others! Thanks!

  5. Aztecs and human sacrifice always make for a good story, lol! Love a good adventure!

  6. There is a LOT of adventure an enough death defying feats to satisfy the biggest adrenaline junkie. Think young Indiana Jones!


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