Take Time to Read

Take Time to Read
Written by: Jill Sheets

Image result for The Girl with the Silver Eyes written by:   Willo Davis RobertsImage result for The Doll written by: Rex SpargerImage result for Anything to Win written by: Rosemary JoyceImage result for scary adult book about a girl who is blind

As far as I can remember I loved to read.  I would read in between classes, on my way home and yes, I was one of" them" who would walk and read. Didn't you just dislike people like that?

I would pretty much-read anything that I could get my hands on except for the dictionary.  That is something I could never bring myself to do. I even disliked it when people would tell me to look up the word I needed to spell.  Hello, if I knew how to spell it, I would not be asking.  And me finding the word in that book is useless.  Waste of time.  The only thing I felt it was good for is finding out the meaning of something.

If I had to pick four books that were my favorite growing up they were: 

The Girl with the Silver Eyes written by:   Willo Davis Roberts
The Doll written by: Rex Sparger
Anything to Win written by: Rosemary Joyce 
 Comes the Blind Fury by John Saul

I do not remember if I was ever read to as a child, but that does mean anything. I can say that I read to myself.  Not just to me, when no one was around, I would read it out loud.  I wanted to be an actress, so I would do the voices along with the books.  Even today, when no one is looking or around, I will read the book out loud.

The last books that were read to me and my daughter were the Harry Potter books.  We loved to set down at night, after we ate, and listen to my husband read the books out loud. 

I do not get to read as much as I want to anymore, which does sadden me.  That is something I am going to have to make time for. I read a little here and there.  My stack of books that I want to read is quite tall, but I have to be in the mood for a particular genre.  

It is now confirmed.  I am weird.

So tonight, pick up a book that you have been wanting to read and relax as the book pulls you into the plot becoming one of the characters.


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