Being Grateful

Being Grateful
By Jill Sheets

Lately, I have heard different stories about Thanksgiving and how it came about.  One was about the Native Americans setting down with a meal with their new neighbors.  Another one was that it was a trap for the Wampanoag and Pequot, where the pilgrims killed 700 of them total.  I believe I read something about taking the Native Americans hostage or was the pilgrims the ones who were being taken hostage? Yes, sure there are other stories or theories out there, but I have to admit I do not know which ones are true or is there a combination of all of them.  Now yes, our history is important, but that is not what I will be talking about today
 Thanksgiving is a day for one to give thanks.  There is always something in everyone’s life where they can find something to be thankful for or grateful.  You may have to dig deep especially if you are depressed.  And trust me.  I know it is hard.  I have been dealing with depression most of my life, but I will save that for another time.

I have so many things to be grateful for.  How I am blessed.  I get to spend time with most my family for Thanksgiving.  The ones I do not get to, we will make it up to them somehow.   My husband, my wonderful teenage daughter, my beautiful niece, my nephew, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, I love spending time with them.

I am grateful for my mom, who had to take on both roles of mom and dad.  She raised two daughters by herself.  And trust me….  We were not the perfect little angels – and still not. But don’t tell anyone.

Our furry family--  Zoey, Sassy, Noah and Layla.

I am grateful to God and Jesus.  Who are always there listening when I need to talk.  And speaking of which, I am grateful for the people at Church.  Along with our cubbies, whether it is the ones we have now or our past ones.

***Clarissa, if you are reading this. I mean you too ***

I cannot even believe I am crying.
I am grateful for a job that I love along with my work family. 
My Friends, who to me are part of my family.
I have a roof over my head.  It is not my dream house, but it keeps the rain off us and it is a place to live.
I am blessed having clothes to wear, food to eat and stuff to drink.  I cannot forget the very fact that I am alive. So I am grateful for my doctors.

I could go on.

So my question to you…. What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving week?

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© 2017 JMS


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