Spam or Not to Spam

Picture source: From Wikipedia

Spam or Not to Spam
Written by: Jill Sheets

Growing up my mom was a hard worker.  She was a single mother of two girls.  Trust me… We could be a hand full, well at least me. My mom has told me that there were times when she did not know how she was going to feed us. But thank God there was always a way. Our family ate some interesting stuff, but I remember us liking it. For some reason, I want to say she had gone without food to make sure us kids had enough to eat.  One of the things that we ate was fried spam.   It was made into a sandwich, with mayo or miracle whip on it. For us that was the only way to eat it. When I was older, I cannot believe I ate it. But I guess you have to do what you have to do.

Spam came from Austin, Minn and it is canned precooked meat.  This canned meat was first introduced in 1937 and became popular after its use during World War II.  To make things simple, Spam is chopped pork shoulder meat mixed with ham. That even makes it less appealing to me today.

Different people of course have different taste. I have found it to be disgusting, gross, it is very salty.  There are others who have found a ways to eat it.  Many fry it, cook it with scrambled eggs, a grilled cheese and spam sandwich, wrapped in seaweed and fry the spam, put it inside a sticky rice ball with seaweed flakes.

It is up to you and your taste buds to decide to spam or not to spam?  I am praying that I will never have to eat it again.  But if my family and I have to eat it, let’s hope I can find some way interesting to cook it.  Maybe there is a spam cook book.  May there is not.  This brings me this… Spam or not to Spam? That is the question.

 I want to thank everyone who answered my questions about spam.  I know that some of my questions were odd, but I really do appreciate it.


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