100 Days of Happiness/ Blessings

Penny thank you for giving me this idea.


It is 100 Days of Happiness, which for me it could also me a blessing.


My mom many times told me that there is always someone worse off than you.  I did not believe her and said “I would like to see that person.”  Not realizing as I got older I understand what she was talking about.  Yes, I have diabetes, PTSD, Fibro and etc. etc. etc.  This means there are other things I can not remember now and things my doctors are not sure about.  I will say I have one heck of a Rheumatologist and she is one of the people that are in my live that are a blessing.


Love you all and bless you.


With that said, I guess I should post my first day.


Day 1:  I am happy/blesses that I have found subs for shows that I need to so far.  I prayed hard for that J


Day 2: I am happy that I am not the only one praying for Darron and I to adopt.  J


Day 3:  I am happy that my show is today J


Day 4(Sat.):  I am happy that I got to rest most of the day.


Day 5 (Sunday):  I am happy that my husband got to spend time together.


Day 6:  I am happy that I do have people that are there for me if I need them.


Day 7: I am happy that I will see Heather tonight.


Day 8: I am happy that I am alive.


Day 9: I am happy that a guy that I interviewed called back and talked to Meg and said to tell me that I was once of the greatest interview.  J


Day 10: I am happy that I get to interview Addison Riecke.


Day 11 (Sat.): I am happy that Heather made it to camp ok.


Day 12 (Sunday):  I am happy that I did not have any nightmares, even though I went to bed stressed.


Day 13:  I have to admit, this has been a hard day and just as hard to find something good.  Even though I know that I am blesses in many ways.  I try hard not to use the same statement over.  So if this is weird I apologize.  Then again maybe I don’t have to apologize.  I am happy that I get ice cream for dinner.


Day 14: I am happy that my puppy wanted to set with me during the night.


Day 15: I am happy that Kara told me about this wonderful movie and TV show.


Day 16:  I am happy that I got time to work on my book.


Day 17:  I am happy that I had new listeners in Brazil, Indonesia, MA, OK.  I am also grateful everyone else that listens to by show.


Day18: I am happy to get to the library to get research books


Day 19: I am happy my family and I had a quite day.


Day 20: I am happy that I got some research done today


Day 21: I am happy that I started to read a new book, “The Jesus Code.”


Day 22: I am happy to have netflex.


Day 23:  I am happy that my daughter and I have not argued so far.


Day: 24 I am happy that I got to see the movie “Divergent.”


Day 25: I am happy that I found another artist to like.


Day 26:  I am happy that my husband and daughter got something cold for my throat.


Day 27:  I am happy my voice is back.


Day 28:  I am happy that I get to celebrate my niece’s Birthday.


Day 29: I am happy that we are about ready to start our Aug Drive.


Day 30: I am happy that I got new music for my show.


Day 31:  (Friday) I am Happy that Darron help me lock the doors or yeah and there were no tornados J


Day 32: I am happy that I got to spend time with my family.


Day 33:  I am happy that Awanna’s has started and we have a great class.


Day 34:  I am happy that Zooey is home and choir starts tonight.


Day 35:  I am happy that I got one of the interviews that I have written down on my list – Alyson Stoner (Tues.  need to check spell and post)


Day 36:  I am happy that I am walking up the steps in the morning and nights.


Day 37:  I am happy about my labs being good.


Day 38:  I am happy that Stacey was here today to help with the show J


Day 39 (Saturday): I am glad that one of my shows that I love to watch is back on. 


Day 40:  I am happy about the kids at Awanna.


Day 41:  I am happy that I got a lot done today.


Day 42:  I am happy that my husband took time out of his busy schedule to bring me a sandwich.


Day 43: I am happy about the card that Darron and I got in the mail from Tammy.  Thank you.  I really needed that.


Day 44:  When I look around my work desk, I am happy about how many people that care about me.


Day 45: I am Happy that I had a great show.


Day 46:  Saturdays are hard.  For most of the time my body wants and needs to sleep all day. Then it wants mores. I know I have said this before, but I am happy to be able to get some rest. 


Day 47:  I am happy that my daughter came home excited form church because of Brother Jim’s sermon.  She told me that I have to hear it.  I can not wait.


Day 48: I am Happy that I got to interview Julie L Casey and she made me want to continue to write.


Day 49: I am Happy that I go to watch “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”


Day 50: I am Happy that I am alive.


Day 51:  I am happy it is movie/ show night with the family.  We got to catch up with “Open Upon a Time.”  One of the shows I love to watch.  It has an amazing cast?


Day 52:  I am happy because I had a great interview with Dean Koontz


Day 53: (Saturday) I am happy that I got a birthday card from my dad.


Day 54: (Sunday)  I am Happy that I got to go to Barnes and Noble to get some books and them later that night go home and order more.  What a wonderful husband and Daughter.


Day 55:  I am happy to have the day off to watch movies, sleep and read.


Day 56:  I am blesses to have people like Kara in my life.  People who will listen and cheer me up.  Thank you Kara J


Day 56:  I am happy that my new books are in.


Day 57: I am happy that there was cool weather tonight.


Day 58:  (Friday) I am happy that I gave away a pair of tickets on my show.


Day 59:  I am happy that our puppy (Zooey) is finally learning to sleep next to me and when she sets to set by me.


Day 60:  I happy to have a loving husband who would get up at 4:30 am when I am in I was in a lot of pain in many places.


Day 61: I am happy that I found two out of three Birthday gifts.


Day 62: I am Happy that I got to celebrate my mother-in-laws Birthday with the family and someone told me that they listened to my show almost every Friday.


Day 63:  I am happy/blessed that I have one great medical team of doctors.  I just hope they do communicate with each other.


Day 64:  I am blesses/happy I am alive.


Day 64:  I may have said this, but I am blesses that I work with a wonderful group of people, who I consider part of my family.


Day 65: (Saturday) I am happy that I finally got to start a wonderful book by Sara Jouret, “Mosaic of A Broken Heart.” 


Day: 66:  I am happy that I finally back with the cubbies and I have more voice back.  Woo Hoo.  I get to do what I normally do.


Day 67:  Choir tonight and I am able to talk and sing.  Grant you, I have to keep drinking.


Day 68:  I am happy that Kara and I got a lot of stuff from the drive out in the mail.


Day 69:  I am happy that my daughter is at work with me.


Day 70 (Thursday):  Even thought I am sick, I am happy to spend time with some of my family.  My father in-law was greatly missed.


Day 71:  I am happy that I found subs today for the shows I needed to.  Bless both of them for helping.  You two know who you are J


Day 72:  I am happy that we got to celebrate Cyndi’s Birthday.


Day 73:  Blessed to have the kids that we teach at Awanna’s. 


Day 74: I am glad that I got to leave work at 5ish and spend time with my family. 


Day 75:  I am blessed to be able to interview David A.R. White tomorrow.  I can not wait. 


Day 76:  I am happy that I had a good day. 


Day 77: I am happy that we have a great staff at KOPN. 


Day 78: I am happy that tonight my husband and I finally get to watch Cherrybomb with Rupert Grint and Kimberley Nixon.  I have been waiting years for this.


Day 79:  I am happy that I got to spend time with my husband.


Day 80:  I am happy that Once Upon a Time is back on.


Day 81:  I am happy that I did not have a full migraine today.


Day 82:  I am happy that I got a lot done today at work.


Day 83:   I am happy that I got to go to bed early.


Day 84:  I am happy that I have slowly started to exercise.  This is my 3rd day. 


Day 85:  I am happy that I got to have dinner with a friend.


Day 86:  May sound odd, but I am happy that I found a new series to watch. 


Day 87:  I was happy with my goals.  Even if it is baby steps.  I know God will help me.


Day 88:  I am blesses to have my family, friends, and loved ones.  I am blesses to have a job I love.  I am blesses to have my show.  I am blesses to write for Relate.  I am blesses to be able to do interviews.


Day 89:  I am blessed and happy that I am starting to write again.  For a while my brain was blank.  Last night and today it has been flooded with ideas.  Thank God.


Day 90: (Wed):  I am happy that I got a lot of my writings together.


Day 91:  I am glad that there where no tornados today.


Day 92:  I am glad that I had a great number of people listening on line to my show today.


Day 92 (Sat):  I was blessed to spend time with my husband and daughter.


Day 93:  Even thought I have not found many, I am glad that I have found a book to help with some of the bible quotes I need for my writings.  One book is better than none.


Day 94:  I am happy that today went fast and I got a lot of stuff done.


Day 95:  I am happy that Kate brought me a doll today.


Day 96:  I have been having a day, but I just got the best advice from my mom.  Thank you mom.  Love you.  I am blesses to have her.


Day 97:  I am glad that I got a little bit of exercise in on time of everything.


Day 98:  I am happy that it is Friday and almost time to do my show.


Day 99:   I am happy that Darron and I got to set down and watch some movies.

Day 100:  I am happy looking around at the cubbies cars.  They look great.


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