So What About Me

Guess I should start with tell you about myself.  One thing that you will notice right off the bat is that I am really bad at grammar and spelling, but don’t let that scare you off.  As long as you don’t tell me you can edit my posts for fun. 

I am happy married with one daughter who is now a teenager or is it preteen.  She is 13.  I also have three cats (Sassy, Noah and Layla and one dog (Zooey).  One of theses days my husband and I want to adopt a new born baby boy and new born girl.  We would like to have new born, but we are welling to adopt older kids.  I work as an Office Coordinator for 89.5 FM KOPN and I also have my own show on Fridays from 4 to 6pm CST called Penguin Tracks (yes.  we are on facebook- look us up).  If you are not in our listening area you can listen to it at  I am also a writer for Relate Magazine (online).  I am also working on my first of what I hope many Young Adult books

I have to admit I love watching movies, especially if there is someone in the movie I feel is talented.  We do not watch a lot of tv.  Most of it is from Netflix and so on.  So now, here are the tress shows that I am addicted to at the moment.  

The Big Bang Theory

Once About a Time

The Elephant Princess 

Hobbies:  Listening to music, writing, reading, watching TV/movies spending time with family, singing and a lot more.

Right now I am finishing the book “Beautiful Creatures” up.  I already no I have to read the other books in the series.

Well that is about it.  Just remember…..

You will never know what you will read here.  It could be poetry, babbling, updates and so on.  So stay tuned.




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